Development and Humanitarianism

Engaging with Local Faith Actors and Communities: A Toolkit

Particular focused on religious engagement in the context of COVID-19. ACT Alliance EU, Caritas Europa, EU-CORD and Islamic Relief Worldwide. 2020

Religionen als Partner in der Entwicklungs-zusammenarbeit

A report by the German Federal Ministry for Development on the role of religion as a partner in development policy

Mehr als alles: Der Beitrag von Religions-gemeinschaften und Menschenrechts-organisationen zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung

A report by GIZ on the role of religious communities in sustainable development policies. 2016.

Faith-based and and Community Organizations’ Participation in Emergency Preparedness and Response Activities

Commissioned by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. 2010.

Creating an Engagement Plan

A two-page tip sheet on engaging religious groups in post-disaster contexts from the US Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Religious Literacy Primer: For Crises, Disasters, and Public Health Emergencies

Published by the University of Southern California Center for Religion and Civic Culture and the National Disaster Interfaiths Network. Basic information on the 23 largest religious groups in the U.S. 2014.