TPNRD Holds Conference in Sarajevo

The Transatlantic Policy Network on Religion & Diplomacy (TPNRD) gathered in Sarajevo from 15 to 18 November for a meeting held at the EU Delegation. The network met with local diplomats, scholars, and activists as well as clerics from the Muslim, Christian, and Jewish traditions. In these meetings the TPNRD explored issues related to religion and peacebuilding, inclusion, governance, and interfaith collaboration.

The conference program included visits to the Faculty of Islamic Studies, the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos, and the headquarters of the Islamic community of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The TPNRD took part in dinner events hosted by the Swedish and Italian embassies.

This convening brought together TPNRD participants from Austria, the European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We were also joined by the TPNRD project director and the two co-chairs of the TPNRD Advisory Council.

The TPNRD is a forum of diplomats from Europe and North America who are the designated point people on issues of religion and diplomacy within their respective foreign ministries. The network aims to equip participants to more effectively analyze religious dynamics and engage religious actors in the pursuit of shared policy objectives. The TPNRD project is based at Georgetown University and made possible by a generous grant from the Henry Luce Foundation